Size Chart Rib Protection

Almost ready to buy your new rib protector? We're happy to help you choose the right size through this Rib Protector Size Chart.

Below is a complete overview between the different brands and their sizes as far as rib protectors are concerned.

When determining the right size for your bodyprotector, we advise you not only to take the size into account, but also to check whether it can be worn comfortably under the karting overalls and especially whether it can be comfortably worn in a karting chair.

In case of any doubt, we will be happy to help you determine the right size together with you.

How to measure for the right size?

To determine the correct size for your next rib protector, measuring the chest circumference is very important. Do this when you are wearing a t-shirt.

Please note, FIA approved rib protectors have a chest plate and then it is very important that the length of the pilot is also taken into consideration while choosing the right size rib protector.

Size Chart Rib Protection