Kart helmet styling

Kart helmet styling

Helmet accessories style your karting helmet yourself? Yes, that is possible! A nice assortment of colored helmet rubbers, IC ducts and grills. You are no longer limited to the standard black rubbers. In a simple way you can style your helmet to your own wishes.

BaseTrimZ Helmet Rubber

Coloured silicone rubber for your karting helmet. The Base TrimZ is manufactured using the best silicone to ensure a perfect fit and durability in addition, using the correct adhesive, you will have the helmet rubber in no time.

EyeportTrimZ Helmet Rubber

The Eyeport TrimZ is also made of the best silicone.

The Bullet Z Airduct

The Bullet Z Airduct is an air blower specially designed for the top of the helmet. It is available in different colours : transparent, neon yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, neon orange, neon pink and red. The airduct is also provided with double sided tape and can therefore be attached to the helmet in no time.

Antman Custom Trix

Antman Custom Trix offers a nice assortment of coloured grills. You are no longer limited to the black standard ventilation grid. You can easily replace it in your helmet and create your own taste. The grill comes with double-sided tape and instructions so you can easily make this adjustment.